Acupuncture is a medical system which has been evolving for thousands of years. There are many different styles ranging from Five Element styles, Classical Acupuncture, Japanese and Korean systems to modern Chines Medicine. In each system there are energy channels commonly referred to as 'meridians' which run through the body. When these meridians become blocked or stressed the body produces symptoms. These symptoms are viewed as the body's attempt to get clear energies or blockages and to alert us to the need for change.
Five Element Acupuncture
Through observation of Nature, the early Taoists leaned about balance and patterns in the environment and used this knowledge to create the Law of Five Elements. We are made up of the elements water, wood, fire, earth and metal, and when these are in balance we experience good health and live full, happy lives.This style of acupuncture focuses on restoring the elements to balance. According to classical texts, when we live in alignment with Nature we will know no disease.
Balance Method
The Dr. Tan Balance Method is a style of acupuncture known for highly effective treatments utilizing the fewest needles possible. It is especially effective for the treatment of pain as well as issues of internal medicine. The twelve primary acupuncture meridians form a complex system of interrelationships. By way of these relationships, when one imbalanced meridian is identified, treatment can be applied to related meridians to exert a balancing effect.
NADA Detox Acupuncture
In the NADA protocol, aka acupuncture detoxification, fine gauge sterile needles are placed just under the skin in specific areas of the outer ear, where they remain for several minutes while quietly relaxing. The benefits of NADA include overall well-being, improved recovery from addictions and trauma, more optimistic attitude toward recovery, as well as reduction in cravings, anxiety, sleep disturbances and need for pharmaceutical drugs. The spirit of NADA woks by mobilizing internal resources for self healing.
Conditions Treated
The most common complaints presented to an acupuncturist tend to be stress and pain related, such as arthritis, back, neck, knee and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica, as well as anxiety, depression and insomnia. Whatever your issue I will listen to your symptoms and your energetic system to make an acupuncture diagnosis and provide an individualized treatment for you. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine are complete systems of medicine capable of diagnosing and successfully treating a wide range of issues.
Benefits of Treatment
The flow of Qi (life force energy), relaxation and endorphin release are three of the main benefits of acupuncture. Sterile, hair-fine needles inserted at specific areas of the body can restore the flow of vital energy (Qi). This flow of energy can bring about a sense of well-being, a release of tension or restriction and a sudden or gradual improvement in symptoms. People often report feeling both relaxed and energized during and after a session. There is often a sensation during needle insertion, it is generally brief and minimal pain is felt. Pain can resolve due to the release of endorphins, which can also create a sense of well-being.